M&A Unplugged

M&A Unplugged

Domenic Rinaldi

Are you looking to Scale, Acquire or Exit a Business? If so, the M&A Unplugged Podcast was designed with you in mind. On each episode we will interview actual buyers, sellers and professional transaction advisors. They will share their experiences - the good and the not so good! We promise, in every episode, you will gain valuable insights and actionable takeaways to help you maximize the value of your own transactions. Mergers, Acquisitions, buying a business, selling a business, scaling a business and exiting a business all take time, preparation and the proper knowledge. M&A Unplugged promises to deliver relevant content for your business transaction and growth goals. Hosted by Domenic Rinaldi, the owner and managing partner of Sun Acquisitions - a Chicago based mergers and acquisitions firm. Having been involved in over 300 M&A transactions across a broad range of industries, Domenic asks the questions that unlock the secrets to creating value in transactions.

Categorias: Finanzas

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In this episode, Domenic and Aaron Stahl discuss: 

  • Aaron’s journey to becoming an entrepreneur at 22 and growing P3 to the Franchise business it is today. 
  • How he switched from a solopreneur running his lifestyle business to growing the company through the acquisition. 
  • The speed bumps that came up during the sale unrelated to price. 
  • The integration after acquisition. 

 Key Takeaways: 

  • Have your vision and strategy before you undertake a potential acquisition. 
  • Understand the seller’s motivations and take care with their legacy. 
  • Have an intermediary to help in negotiations.  
  • The time to start planning your integration is the day you start planning your acquisition. 
  • People are the most important asset you acquire when acquiring a business. 

  "I would recommend everybody to employ a business broker. That level of insulation that you have between buyer and seller helps keep the warm and fuzzies and the good will intact." —  Aaron Stahl   About Aaron Stahl: Aaron got his start in cost recovery business in 2004 at the age of 22 when he started P3 Waste Consulting. After helping numerous clients save money on their waste expenses the business grew from there to become what it is today. Aaron is an expert in the waste and recycling industry and has been the CEO/President of P3 since the beginning. Aaron splits time between the Northwest Arkansas office, Greensboro, North Carolina office and New York City. In his spare time, he enjoys flying airplanes and is an instrument rated pilot and certified flight instructor. He also enjoys traveling abroad, hunting, hiking, mountain biking and enjoys surfing whenever possible. He is an avid Arkansas Razorbacks fan and holds a degree in small business/finance from the University of Arkansas. He also is an Eagle Scout.    Connect with Aaron Stahl: Website: CostAnalysts.com Email: Aaron@CostAnalysts.com  LinkedIn: Aaron Stahl   Connect with Domenic Rinaldi: Sun Acquisitions Website: www.sunacquisitions.com M&A Unplugged Website: www.maunplugged.com Email: marketing@sunacquisitions.com   Linkedin:   Domenic Rinaldi: https://www.linkedin.com/in/domenicrinaldi/ Sun Acquisitions: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sun-acquisitions-llc/   Facebook: Sun Acquisitions: https://www.facebook.com/sunacquisitions/ M&A Unplugged: https://www.facebook.com/MAUnplugged/   Twitter: @SunAcquisitions https://twitter.com/SunAcquisitions @M_A_Unplugged https://twitter.com/M_A_Unplugged   Instagram: @sunacquisitions https://www.instagram.com/sunacquisitions/ @ma_unplugged_podcast https://www.instagram.com/ma_unplugged_podcast/   YouTube: Sun Acquisitions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6H7kkMD6nnXFuHgqx9Ikg      Show notes by Podcastologist: Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie   Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

Episodios anteriores

  • 116 - Aaron Stahl: The Power Of Having The Right Employees – Ep. 007 
    Tue, 30 Jul 2019 - 0h
  • 115 - Paul Liles: Securing An SBA Loan – Ep. 006 
    Tue, 23 Jul 2019 - 0h
  • 114 - Michael Polzin: Synergies Of Sellers And Buyers – Ep. 005 
    Tue, 16 Jul 2019 - 0h
  • 113 - Tad Render: The Power Of Preparation For a Business Transaction – Ep. 004 
    Tue, 09 Jul 2019 - 0h
  • 112 - Steve Kennett: Important Acquisition Criteria And Growth – Ep. 003 
    Tue, 02 Jul 2019 - 0h
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