Stereo Sleep Sounds

Stereo Sleep Sounds

Stereo Sleep Sounds

Use our collection of tones or ambient location sounds to relax, fall asleep, or just immerse yourself in a binaural soundscape experience! All sounds not labeled as "SOUNDSCAPE" were recorded live using 2 cross-mounted Sennheiser MKE-600’s, and a Zoom H5 or F6. Soundscape tracks were created exclusively within Adobe Audition using sound effects from libraries. Each collection of sounds will include white noise and drone sounds, location and atmospheric sounds, and a bonus short ASMR. Tracks can be streamed on YouTube, SoundCloud, and through the Podcast.

Categorias: Arte

Escuchar el último episodio:

Tick, Tock... Tick, Tock... A clock ticks and slowly lulls you to sleep...

Episodios anteriores

  • 23 - Ticking Clock 
    Mon, 17 May 2021
  • 22 - Suburban Sunrise 
    Sun, 02 May 2021
  • 21 - Downtown Balcony - SOUNDSCAPE 
    Fri, 27 Nov 2020
  • 20 - Seaside Harbor - SOUNDSCAPE 
    Mon, 16 Nov 2020
  • 18 - Grinder Wheel 
    Sat, 19 Oct 2019
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